
Essay about Genetics: The Concept of Epistasis

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The idea that genes are individual units that perform unique functions is a misconception. In fact, genes interact with each other. Epistasis is a phenomenon based on the concept of gene interaction whereby, the effect of a specific gene on the phenotype of an individual is either masked or reinforced by one or more different genes (Natural Standard, 2013). It is important to underline that epistasis involves the interaction between different genes and that the result of this interaction is related to the susceptibility to various human diseases (Nagel 2005). An example of such human disease is the Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a severe disease causing brain degeneration, strongly affecting memory. Recently, the focus on the …show more content…

Genetic and biological epistasis can occur even if statistical epistasis is not present when DNA sequence variations are identical for all members of a population leading to the conclusion that both are essential for the statistical detection of epistasis. However, it is still questionable whether statistical epistasis indicates the presence of genetic and biological epistasis (Moore 2005). Alzheimer’s Disease and Epistasis
Alzheimer’s disease takes two to fifteen years to run its course and AD patients experience loss of memory starting from the most recent memories and going backwards. AD can be distinguished to familial and sporadic with familial referring to the condition where more than one family member is affected and sporadic to the condition where AD is not present among any close family relatives (American Medical Association 2012). The majority of AD cases are late-onset AD, meaning that the people affected are over 60 years old (National Institute of Health 2011).

High levels of plaques and tangles of proteins in the brains of AD patients lead to the degradation of acetylcholine (Ach) neurons causing the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus to shrink. Amyloid beta (Αβ) compiles and affects the axons and dendrites of neurons resulating in impaired communication between brain cells. In many cases, Αβ accumulates before the appearance of the disease and can be considered the specific initiator of the

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