
George Etienne Cartier 's Legacy And Contributions

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For my heritage fair I decided to research George Etienne Cartier, who if you haven’t heard about was a lawyer, rebel, politician and railway promoter whose contributions to Confederation were on the same level as figures like John A. Macdonald and George Brown(Sweeny). If you haven’t heard of any of these people, then don’t worry I’ll be going into length on all of them. Furthermore, if you were wondering why I chose this topic to research, I would truthfully tell you that the only reason I chose “George Etienne Cartier” was because he was as good a topic as anything else, so personally I didn’t care about the topic. But as I put more research into the topic I came to realize just how important George Etienne Cartier was to Canada. Not just in his efforts towards Confederation but also the work he put into preserving French culture and identity in Canada to railway development. Of course this isn’t as exciting as many other topics, but without George Cartier’s legacy and contributions we would most likely not be where we are today. In this report I will be covering the life of George Etienne Cartier, including his early life, background, political life before and after Confederation.

Early Life and Rebellions
How did George Etienne Cartier grow up?
George Etienne Cartier was born on September 6th 1814 in Saint-Antoine sur Richelieu to parents Jacques Cartier (not the explorer) and Marguerite Paradis. George had 7 siblings and was the seventh child of his

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