
George Orwell 's Down And Out Essay

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Ever since the 20th century, poverty exists in various of well developed countries, many individuals live under no shelter and suffer starvation. Although having a job can support their basics of living, working many hours also affect their health both mentally and physically. George Orwell, the author of the novel, Down and Out in Paris and London, describes how homelessness and poor working conditions can affect an individual by starving for a long period of time, having no shelter, and working in harsh environment. Orwell illustrates a journey about a person who lives in poverty in both contemporary countries, Paris and London in the 1930s. Where in Paris, he graphically describes the poor working experiences as a plongeur, a lowest position behind the kitchen of a high class French hotel, Hotel X. The narrator encounters many frustrations in handling money causing him to suffer from starvation in Paris. As in London, Orwell acutely narrates the life as a tramp, which looking for a place everyday becomes an issue for an individual because of the vagrancy law in England. Due to the absurd law of England, it makes the narrator even more difficult to live out of poverty in the novel. Orwell describes the life of a well educated individual who has to live under poverty due to the minimum amount of opportunities in Paris and London in 1930’s. In comparison to the deleterious conditions as a homeless in Down and Out in Paris and London, 21st century in the United States

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