
German Survivors: The Diary Of Anne Frank

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During WW2 Hitler and his German Nazis were taking over Germany. Anne Frank was alive in this time. Her family and she had to go into hiding for 2 years.. Anne, her father and mother, and her sister Margot plus the Vann Danns and Mr.Dussel were all living together in a secret annex at her dad’s warehouse.
Anne had a lot of conflict with her mother she was like a lot of kids today. Her family was always getting on her nerves and always making her mad. Anne had to learn what going into hiding was really like. They were all limited on things they could do. When I read the book it made me realize how much that we have to be thankful for today. Most people nowadays are not thankful for anything.
Annes only freedom was her diary. She was always wanting to go outside and play with all the other kids. We can't even fathom would be like to have to stay inside for two years with the fear that someday we might be caught and killed. When I watched the movie I realized how little freedom they had. It was so bad that Anne was happier when she went to the concentration camp because she could be outside. …show more content…

She always had a positive attitude and always had hope that they would make it out and be able to live a normal life again. Whenever I listened to the play I had a vizule in my head of how desperate she was and how hard she tried to have hope and freedom. We need to be more grateful today for our lives because millions of jews died in the Holocaust. After reading the book, watching the movie, and listening to the play I hope that in the future nothing like the Holocaust will ever happen again. Anne Frank said she wanted to live on after she died and she did. Many people have been inspired by her story. I want to be using Anne’s life as an example so that i could be more thankful for what I

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