
Anne Frank Hiding

Decent Essays

Everyone’s life has changed when they had to go into hiding, when their time came. They were scared and didn’t know what to do, they no longer had a life to live anymore. Anne was motivated to strive for change when she and her family were separated by her family. Not being able to see everyone she loved and not being with them anymore. She wanted to be different from everyone and go out and do things on her own, by writing. In hiding Anne found comfort through writing, about anything and everything. She loved to write short stories and was rewriting her journal, while they were in hiding. Writing helped Anne escape into an alternate world, free of worry. “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn” …show more content…

Anne lived through a horrible tragedy no child should have ever experience. “Families are torn apart: men and children are separated. Children come back from school to find that their parents have disappeared. Women return from shopping to find their houses sealed, their families gone.” Anne Frank. When families are separated it’s hard on them. They don’t know what had happened or could have stopped it. All they know is that they are gone, and they don’t know when or if they are coming back. When families are pulled apart it makes them about one another, so a positive attitude can make a huge difference. A positive attitude can change others’ outlook. “Whoever is happy will make others happy.” Anne Frank. If at least one person is happy, then they can change the minds of others.That are having a hard time. When one happy person is around, they become happy, and all their thoughts become good thoughts. After families got separated they didn’t know if they were going to find each other again. If they were alive or not. After everything blown over with the camps and hitler, Anne knew she was going to become a writer if she made it out alive. But her story, may ended at a young age, her father continued through with her plan on becoming a

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