
Getting Pregnant Research Paper

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When my husband and I got married I knew that I wanted children but I didn’t want to have them right away. I wanted to spend time with just my husband before we spoke about having children. After seven months of marriage my husband enlisted into the Air Force; while he was away at technical school we decided that we wanted to begin trying.
After two long years of trying, I finally got pregnant. My husband and I were so excited on the exterior but I was secretly nervous. Looking back, I am not sure that I was really ready to become a mother, even after it had taken so long to get pregnant. One month after having found out I was expecting, I suffered a devastating miscarriage. I was so heartbroken and could not understand why I was going through …show more content…

Shortly after arriving, I went to see my primary care manager to begin the process of fertility treatments; however this process was wrought with difficulty. I would make an appointment but time after time I would have to cancel it for whatever reason. Finally, in July I noticed that I was late but I did not know for sure if I wasn’t pregnant. At the time my husband was getting ready to go to town to pick up a few things so I asked if he would get a pregnancy test; I told him not get excited because I feared it would be negative. So many times I thought I was pregnant only to take the test for it to say I was not. Once my hubby returned home I immediately took the test and within seconds the result showed. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I ran into the living room and asked my husband if he was seeing it as well; he assured me that he also saw the positive sign. To make absolutely sure the test was accurate we went to town and got a test that actually says pregnant or not pregnant. All the way to the store, and back home again I had butterflies and could hardly quit smiling. I was trying as hard as I could not to get my hopes up but it was impossible. Not wanting to wait until morning I went ahead and took one of the tests and sure enough it said PREGNANT in big letters. I ran out of the bathroom and showed my

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