
Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

The Gettysburg Address is one of Lincoln's most famous speeches mostly in part that it was to inspire his troops before one of the most important battles in the American Civil War. In the Address he mostly spoke about keeping the country together and to assure his troops that every soldier that has fallen shall not die if vain. He mostly spoke in mournful tone for he spoke about the fallen soldiers and that they finish what they have given their lives for and they will try to keep the country from falling and keep freedom alive. Lincoln spoke this speech to persuade his troops to keep on fighting for this country and to not let it fall apart. In this paper we will see what persuasive techniques Lincoln used to make such a memorable speech.

Lincoln was known for writing all of his speeches and was good at using persuasive techniques. For this speech he mostly used pathos to emotionally inspire his troops. In the speech he talked about the fallen troops and that is a good way to persuade because by then most soldiers there had fought in other battles and have seen many soldiers die in a battle. Soldiers go through a lot of terrible …show more content…

Lincoln choose not to use logos that much because soldiers are more emotionally persuaded than using logic. He did use some logos but he did not use it as much as pathos. For logos he used the following sentence (But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it-It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here)(Gettysburg Address/Abraham Lincoln/Nov 19 1863) he said this quote to show that they can't do much for the soldiers that have died here but they can keep on fighting to finish the work that they have started. How he used logos was to support his pathos part of his

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