
Gettysburg Turning Point

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The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the most significant battles in the Civil War. The battle was fought in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania from July 1st through July 3rd of 1863. The Union and Confederate armies fought this three-day battle and became a major defeat for the Confederates and a turning point in the war. After General Lee and his army won their victory over the Union army in the Battle of Chancellorsville, Lee marched his army into Pennsylvania in late June 1863. Before the Battle of Gettysburg occurred, General Lee lost one of his other generals, Ulysses S. Grant. After Grant’s death, Lee and his army were not doing so well. Everything wasn't going well as planned for Lee and he ended up having some major struggles in the war. This was the battle that should have ended the Civil War. However, after the Union army made their first victory, the war still continued on. The battle also became one of the bloodiest moments in the War, leading to the death of more than 50,000 men involved. The Battle of Gettysburg was a significant battle and a turning point in the Civil War. The battle became a major defeat for General Robert E. Lee, it became a huge victory for the Union …show more content…

General Lee and his army were on a winning streak from the beginning of the Civil War to the Battle of Chancellorsville. The Unions have not won a battle until the Battle of Gettysburg. While General Stuart crossed Potomac to find Lee and his army, Lee discovered things had gone terribly wrong. He found out Union general, Joseph Hooker, crossed the Potomac. Lee's plan to defeat the Union again was going well until that moment. After the first two days of the battle, the Union army was beating the Confederates, and the Confederates were going to have to come up with another plan. However, his new plan became unsuccessful. On July 3rd, the Union forces of the twelfth army corps pushed back the Confederate threat and regained their

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