
Gilgamesh Flood Vs Flood

Decent Essays

Flood vs. Flood After reading the flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the flood story in Genesis, I was surprised by how far apart these stories written and by how many similarities I found between them. In this paper I am going to discuss the many similarities and difference between these two stories and reasons as to why, although so far apart in time, can be very similar in text. First I would like to discuss the similarities I found while reading these two stories. The obvious similarity is that both stories involved a flood that wiped out all life on earth. Both stories involve one man being spoken to be their respective god to build a boat to prepare for the flood (Genesis 11) (Gilgamesh 108). Noah and Gilgamesh had families that also helped build their boats. These two men were also instructed to bring aboard all living creatures (Gilgamesh 108) (Genesis 12). …show more content…

Seven days of flooding, seven days to complete the boat, seven decks on the boat, seven days waiting in the flood. Also in both these stories the floods were caused by large amounts of rain that occurred for seven days. Another fascinating similarity I found was the use of birds. Gilgamesh and Noah sent out raven and dove in order to find land as they got closer and closer to land (Gilgamesh 11) (Genesis 13). When both boats finally came to rest, they were on the top of a mountain (Genesis 13) (Gilgamesh 11). After the boats rested Gilgamesh and Noah’s their gods spoke to them, telling them to get off their

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