
Giovanni's Room Analysis

Decent Essays

American entrepreneur, Jim Rohn, says that people are “average of the five people [they] spend the most time with.” Throughout Baldwin’s novel Giovanni’s Room, he conveys the ideas of self-discovery and identity within each of the characters that David encounters. Baldwin conveys the inner thoughts and morals of David through each of the characters he encounters. Perhaps the most memorable days are the first ones. Everyone remembers their first date and David is no exception. Throughout the story David’s mind drifts back to a time when he was with a boy. Joey was the first boy that David ever slept with and he relives the experience in his mind. While in Paris David feels “a faint, a dreadful stirring of what so overwhelmingly stirred in me …show more content…

In chapter 3 David has an epiphany regarding love. Jacques describes a meaningless relationship as “putting an electric plug in a dead socket. Touch, but no contact. All touch, but no contact and no light” (56). Here Baldwin writes about how Jacques was able to notice a fundamental characteristic about David; however, David was not able to notice about himself. David embodies this idea and applies it to his relationship with Giovanni as well as his relationship with Hella. When it comes to Giovanni David feels a connection so much so that he fears the potential of anything more, but when he reminisces about Hella he likes the idea of her, but not her physical presence. However, the idea of Giovanni and the possibility that David could become him frightens David more than the possibility of being alone and more than the possibility that he could be with Hella. David describes Giovanni’s room as cluttered “boxes of cardboard and leather […] yellowing newspapers and empty bottles […] red wine […] spilled on the floor [… the room] was a matter of punishment and grief” (87). David is trying to find his place on this earth; yet, he does not know where he fits in and Giovanni’s room is no exception. David feels comfortable and loves the time he spends while he is surrounded by Giovanni; however, he fears that he will become Giovanni in the worst sense and lose the potential to be with Hella. Just being in Giovanni’s room makes David uncomfortable not just with the physical room, but the idea that this room could be a part of David’s future. In this part of the book David appears to be at terms with his sexuality, yet through his interactions the reader knows that it is all fake and David is still lost and confused unable to imagine a good life with a man. David longs for love, but when he is confronted by it he runs away. When David compares his life to Giovanni’s he realizes that he is

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