Researchers Girelli and Stake (1993) conducted different types of assessments on MBTI studies on bipolar in Jungian mentally patients. Bipolar disorder is also formerly known as a brain disorder called manic-depressive illness, that causes extremely unusual fluctuate mood swings (sad or hopeless), attitude, decrease or increase energy level that sometimes may cause a person to act out their social norms. According to Girelli and Stake, their notion further stated that bipolar disorder is a common severe long-term condition that can take control of a person’s mind if the illness is not treated. Meanwhile, this article goes into details explaining how Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was designed to only measure the four personality dimensions
I agree that the clock will lose time at the higher altitude. The acceleration due to gravity decreases which means the frequency will decrease which means the angular frequency will decrease resulting in a loss of time.
Giberson is a skilled glassblower whose business is a bit confusing.他的作品几乎每天都在他的工作室,他的产品卖得相当好。 He works in his studio almost every day, and his products are popular and unique.他正在考虑扩大自己的产品线,或自定义,一种订单,客户要求他做,在过去,但他却没有这样做还。他目前生产的纸镇,玻璃杯,图案的眼镜和花瓶。 He currently produces paperweights, tumblers, patterned glasses and vases. 他正在考虑扩大自己的产品线,或自定义,一种订单,客户要求他做,在过去,但他却没有这样做还。 He is considering expanding his product line, or taking on custom work (one of kind orders) as customers have asked him to do this in the past, but he has not done so as yet. 平均而言,他至少有一两个星期积压的订单。Because of the product cost mess he has no order in management.
The two major types of Bipolar Disorder (BPD) set out in this paper are Bipolar 1 and 2. Bipolar 1 is diagnosed as guide lined by the DSM5. As the occurrence of a least one maniac episode preceding or post an episode of hypomania and/or Major depression. The DSM 5 highlights that Bipolar 2 is diagnosed by one major depressive episode in occurrence with one hypomanic episode with an absence of Mania. (Association:, 2013) Mania as defined by DSM5: “A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased goal-directed activity or energy, lasting at least 1 week and present most of the day, nearly every day.” Hypomania being: “A distinct period of abnormally and
In this experiment there were 62 participants that were diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder and 50 control participants that had no diagnosis of a lifetime mood disorder. The people that were participating were recruited from the Bay Area Community in California. Everyone was fluent English speakers and ranged between 18 and 65 years old. Neither with no history of brain injury or medical conditions of the central nervous system and no show of impaired mental status or developmental disability. Every
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality (MBTI) was developed by Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs in 1943 during the onset of World War II (Ham, 2016). Briggs recognized the need for psychological instruments that would value human differences and utilized the C G Jungs theory in creating the MBTI (The Story of Isabel Briggs Myers, n.d). According to The Myers & Briggs Foundation (2014) Myers and Briggs initially tested a group of 20 relatives and friends. They utilized such sample, because they thought they could predict their personality solemnly on observation which by observation. The initial random sample did not truly represent a whole population, but merely were used due to availability.
Nusslock is a professor at Northwestern University. After graduating with a Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison, he went on to study neuroscience at Pittsburg medical school. This journal focuses on how criteria regarding bipolar disorders may fail to include milder bipolar syndromes. The main argument is the criteria for diagnosing mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder, is not adequate. He argues there is no reliable criteria equipped for diagnosing mild cases of bipolar disorder. Mild bipolar disorder is significant and should not go unnoticed, argues Nusslock. “Individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) who display subsyndromal hypomanic features, not concurrent with a major depressive episode, have a more severe course compared to individuals with MDD and no hypomanic features, and more closely resemble individuals with bipolar disorder on a number of clinical validators,” claims Nusslock. His findings prove what he hypothesized. The article gives the reader an insight to how important subtle symptoms are and how no person or behavior deserves to go unnoticed. He suggests there is a fault with how we are diagnosing bipolar disorders. We tend to group patients into a larger category, rather than finding a diagnosis that fits properly. The evidence in this article is a combination of research and Nusslock’s own ideas. Because he is able to combine thoughts and ideas, the information is more reliable. This article may be biased because he seems to be solely talking about his perspective than the opposite perspective. Nusslock continuously reflects on his strong sense of opinion. He seems to be very passionate about bipolar disorder and wants to be a part of making a difference. In my opinion, the information is reliable for one side. It does not show reliability for an opposing opinion because there seems to be no other opinion present. This article is a
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) “is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions” (13). It is one of several personality assessments that is popular among modern mental health experts throughout the world. Currently, it is estimated that the MBTI is “taken by more than two million people per year and is translated into 16 languages (10). “The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people 's lives” (4).
Bipolar Disorder, or BD, is defined by Whitbourne and Halgin (2013) as a disorder wherein individuals experience “intense and very disruptive” euphoric moods, and sometimes episodes of major depression (p. 179). Individuals with Bipolar are often highly creative and intelligent, but lack self esteem and often exhibit behavioral problems and problems in their personal relationships (Benti, Manicavasagar, Proudfoot, and Parker, 2013). In addition, those with Bipolar can often experience high levels of irritability, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, even when not in the throws of a depressive or manic episode (Benti et al., 2013). In order to be diagnosed with BD, at least three of the following manic criteria must be present for at least a week: “inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative than normal, racing thoughts, distractibility, increase in goal-oriented activity or psychomotor agitation, or excessive involvement in high-risk behaviors or endeavors” (Whitbourne & Halgin, 2013, p. 179).
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important
Bipolar disorder also known as manic depression has always been a mystery since the 16th century. History has shown that it can appear in almost everyone. Bipolar disorder causes mood swings in energy, thinking, and other behavior. Having a bipolar disorder can be very disabling (Kapczinski). A study was evaluated and about 1.3% of the U.S population of people suffers from bipolar disorder. Stressors and environmental influences can trigger and cause a person to go through numerous episodes. Bipolar disorder is characterized according to the severity of the stages. According to Kapczinski, there are four different stages that a person with bipolar disorder can experience. The prognosis of a disorder is different in each particular patient
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depressive disorder, is defined as “a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks” (1). According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, this disorder affects approximately 5.7 million people age 18 and older in the United States annually (2). There are a few different categories of this disorder including Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, and Cyclothymic
This article reviews the current state of the literature on the assessment of bipolar disorder in adults. Research on reliable and valid measures for bipolar disorder has unfortunately lagged behind assessment research for other disorders, such as major depression. We review diagnostic tools, self-report measures to facilitate screening for bipolar diagnoses, and symptom severity measures. We briefly review other assessment domains, including measures designed to facilitate self-monitoring of symptoms. We highlight particular gaps in the field, including
(2000) explained that the prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorder is between 2.6% and 6.5%, which can be compared to the prevalence of drug abuse which is 4.4%. Bipolar can be classified as a spectrum disorder because it forms an umbrella for bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymia, and bipolar disorder not otherwise specified. Unfortunately, bipolar spectrum disorders often go undiagnosed and therefore untreated. With that, Hirschfelt et all (2000), emphasizes the importance of recognizing this disorder. With recognition, these individuals can seek intervention for this disorder and decrease its symptoms and its progression. One way to diagnose this disorder is to screen for it by performing a mood disorder questionnaire. The researchers created a one-page, self-report, paper-and-pencil inventory that can be easily evaluated and administered. The questions were derived from the DSM-IV criteria at the time, but have been updated to the newest version’s clinical
A person’s personality is his or her essence. It is what guides decisions, emotions, and even thoughts. Some may wonder if it is possible to explore every nuance of such a complex part of a being, but there are ways to determine what type of personality a person has, and then branch off into a more detailed examination of that person specifically. Combined with other factors, such as personality disorders and the environment that someone has grown up in, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, test (Enrichment 1) and analysis can determine an accurate portrayal of a personality. Created in 1943 by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, it is a system made up of four basic functions and sub functions that combine to make a personality type. The mother and daughter team constructed it off of Jung’s theories (History 2). Based on this system, one of the most common personality types in the US population is called an ESTJ, and one of the least common personality types is called an INFJ. There are many differences and similarities between these two types. An ESTJ personality, overall, is practical, fact-based, and outgoing, whereas an INFJ personality is more private and makes decisions based on feelings; however, both are organized people who make good leaders and are capable of great success in roles that involve helping others.