I joined girls scouts as a first grader, still young and moldable, which I am so thankful for. Being apart of Girl Scouts has really affected my life in a positive way. With exceptional leaders to guide me, and other great friends from my troop, it shaped me into a confident girl, ready to change the world. I love the service project that we did throughout the years, because it showed my that as a girl, I can really make a difference. It taught me to be helpful, considerate, and strong, and allow me to have faith, and push myself to see how far I can go. One year my troop went to Camp Polly, and we were cleaning, organizing, and repainting the cabin. My sister was with me, and we wanted to check out the lake, so we went through the woods, the way we know how to get there, but there was one problem...we couldn’t find our way back. I was maybe nine or 10 at the time, whilst my sister was 7. With the skills I had acquired, wisdom, strength, bravery and …show more content…
Doing service hours, and doing the best I can (for grades) helped me to stay in National Honors Society, which I was awarded for the highest number of service hours in. At my church, ever since the seventh grade, I have gone on mission trips. A most memorable one, was a trip to Jamaica, we were volunteering with VBS around schools, and helping to fix up old churches that need repairing. The roof needed a lot of fixing, and I have fear of heights, but I was able to overcome my fear and continue to help wherever needed. My family went on a trip this summer, and my best friend came along. My mom, my friend and I decided to go kayaking. While we were out on the lake, my mom’s kayak flipped over, she couldn’t out and swim, so as she was holding on the top of the kayak, I decided some action needed to be taken. I called out left, right, left right, as my best friend and I each took a side, and finally got my mom to a doc, where she was
We looked at each other, stood up, and headed down the big hallway and around the corner to find my mom gasping at the fact that her water had broken. This was a surprise seeing as she was not due to give birth to my little sister for another two weeks. Once again, we were out the door and in the car. My grandmother did not put me in my car seat right and I remember struggling to free my arms the entire ride. My mom sat in the front seat yelling and muttering words under her breath. I was afraid because my mom was in such a strange state but I soon realized that she was yelling more at my grandmother than at her painful stomach. Every time we approached traffic, she gasped and turned behind her with her hand on my car seat, as to secure me from some ejecting force. It was not until years later that I was told all of the stories about what a terrible driver my grandmother was and how many cars she destroyed in various "incidents," as my grandfather calls them. We reached the hospital in plenty of time, but with one problem remaining, my grandfather and dad remained uninformed and unreachable as the resided among thousands of intoxicated football fans. They arrived in just enough time to see my mom before she had my sister, but not without strategic methods to get a hold of them. They first had to be paged over the intercom and when that seized to succeed, event staff members were sent to find them standing
In this regard, the most important part of service to me personally is giving back to the community. Volunteering is my way of providing service to others, it is not only effective, but it’s a good way to meet people, to learn, and to develop social skills. By helping or supporting others, I learned and used new skills in communicating with people and I have gained confidence in myself through different interactions. Providing aid to a family in need or helping out an elementary teacher is necessary, because as people it should be our natural tendencies to support one another, and bring aid when aid is due. For example, at Seven Lakes High school I created the Girls for Krause Club. It was given the name the Girls for Krause club after the Krause Center; a center in Katy that fosters girls who have been taken out of their homes due to sexual harassment, parental mistreatment or mental issues. My first visit to the Krause Center was with my youth group at church. I was so touched by all the girls at the center, and how open they were about their situation. I remember one of the girls telling me thank you, for treating her like “a regular person.” This interaction gave me the incentive to create the Krause club, because I wanted to allow other girls my age to interact with these girls and bring attention to a center that wasn’t well known in my community. Moreover, creating the Krause club has been rewarding and a way to showcase
This past summer I participated in Camp Holy Cross where I donated my time ad counseled kids from eight to three each day. I worked in the field thus I had to set up games, instruct them and take care of the kids while they were there. Another event I participated in with my church was the soup kitchen. This is where members of the Church’s youth group get together and put on a dinner. I also participated in the crop walk. This is where we collect donations to fight hunger and then walk six miles around Dalton. Therefore my community service shows how I give back, and another reason why I should be
From day one my mom taught me that you will get more satisfaction giving to and helping others than you ever will by just doing things for yourself. I truly believe this. Volunteering to teach swimming lessons, organizing recycled items, and visiting the nursing home are all things I have been involved in and doing each of those I have learned more and more about how important service is. Just recently my classmates and I helped an elderly woman move all of her belongings out of her home and into the 4H building for an auction. The 4H building is on the fairgrounds where I have volunteered to clean up every spring for the last 3 years. Service is very important but also very rewarding. I look toward to doing more service projects in the
Yes. At my high school, I’ve participated in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) course as well as been a part of the CyberPatriot and Academic Bowl teams offered by the organization. Unfortunately, I could only spend two years of my high school career in that organization due to the lack of schedule space. I’ve also been a part of the International and National Honor Society clubs. The International Club was a club of students that helped to promote and express the different cultures at my school. As for the National Honor Society, we’ve helped the community by completing service projects, such as the Ronald McDonald House t-shirt sale and the Relay for Life event. In terms of school teams, I was a member of the Scholastic Competition
Because of this I am often given the opportunity to give back and to serve others. One of my favorite parts of serving others is spending time with people and forming unique relationships. I have served in many ways through my school such as through key club, through the softball mentoring program, through the J-Term community service, through being a writing tutor for the English department, and through helping at the middle school track meet. I am fortunate to belong to a church that emphasizes serving others. I have been involved in many service projects through our youth program.
For as long as I can remember I have been involved in my community, as I joined Girl Scouts at age five. This sparked my involvement with the people and the world around me. I am still in Girl Scouts, but currently it teaches me more leadership as we help out with some younger troops of Girl Scouts teaching them to thrive in their community and take responsibility for their actions. I also volunteer at my church, helping run the café, and giving a hand in the nursery. In addition I help at basketball tournaments year round, running clocks and working within the concession stand.
Service in the school and community is an insight to your character and work ethic. I have over 20 hours of community service from many different experiences. Last summer I worked for Camp Barakel, a summer camp, in the kitchen. I assisted in serving food and cleaning. I learned discipline and teamwork through this valuable experience. Not only this I’ve worked with the Elderly in Rehabilitation centers and the patience and nurturing qualities is something that will forever be valuable in my life. Last but not least working as Big Sister or Buddy to a 4th grade girl has given me the chance to positively impact and influence her life as simply as having a friend is immense. All of these service opportunities as added to my character and prepared me for the responsibilities of
As a National Honors Society student one of the four qualities we are to exhibit is service. I exhibit the quality of service by taking out time to go over and beyond the norm to help others, and the community. I have been helping the community and others ever since I was a child. Being an active member at my church, I remember in my elementary years helping feed the homeless at the City Union Mission. My time spent at the City Union Mission impacted me till this day, and now I prepare meals after church for the men that come to worship service. As a Christian it is important to show humility, and to not take pride in myself. I am taught to not be selfish, hateful, or ungrateful, I use what I am taught by my family, the Bible, church, and
Outside of school I am apart of a church group and go to group meetings called Huddle. Through this group I am able to go on mission trips that range from just one day to a week. Last summer we went on a week-long missions trip where we demolished a house that would be rebuilt into a shelter, along with cleaning a small church house and then doing a spiritual activity with the children who came later in the day. During this trip we also delivered food to peoples’ homes who were unable to buy them themselves. While helping my community I also help my teachers and peers.
For years, I had been a Girl Scout until it, unfortunately, could no longer fit into my daily schedule. Once, we went to the beach to clean it up as a volunteer project. Another time we cleaned up was at our old elementary school, where we cleaned the playgrounds and placed new trash cans. I enjoyed making our environment cleaner and more beautiful with all my friends. Last year, I volunteered to babysit my friends younger siblings for a few hours.
When I'm not in school I have Since my freshman year I have been doing marching band. As a sophomore I took my position as a upperclassman to help my freshman to the best of my ability. I help the freshman in my section to read drill, marching techniques, and how to play the music. While doing that I also do activities with my Girl Scout troop. I have been in Girl Scouts since the 4th grade and that has been a wonderful learning experience. From learning the ways of sales, to taking educational trips around the state i have grown in skill and character. Also for the last 3 years I have been the 2nd in highest cookie sales so that has been been very beneficial. Then during the summer I volunteer at the Durham Art's Council's Summer Camp as
I have been a part of different activities for my community service. I offered to volunteer in my church in the Vacation Bible School, Tiger Link Crew, Knight of Columbus, International Dinner, and Fall Festival. What I am most proud of doing is Vacation Bible School. I enjoyed being a part of the Vacation Bible School because it gave me good experience to be involved with children.
All across America, young men join together in a special organization called the Boy Scouts of America. Scouts from 1st grade to seniors in high school work toward a common goal: growing up into a functional, mature citizen and leader of the United States. I joined this great organization in 2006 as a Wolf Cub Scout and rose through the ranks to get into Boy Scouts in 2010. I didn’t know what to expect from such a widely popular, military-like group. Will I get pushed to my limit? How much can Scouts impact me? Is Cub Scouts like what others say?
I am currently involved in National Honors Society at my school. I am so grateful to be apart of this organization because it has taught me how to be mindful of my grades and how to maintain them. Doing community service within this group has informed me of how impactful helping others