
Girl Scouts College Essay

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I joined girls scouts as a first grader, still young and moldable, which I am so thankful for. Being apart of Girl Scouts has really affected my life in a positive way. With exceptional leaders to guide me, and other great friends from my troop, it shaped me into a confident girl, ready to change the world. I love the service project that we did throughout the years, because it showed my that as a girl, I can really make a difference. It taught me to be helpful, considerate, and strong, and allow me to have faith, and push myself to see how far I can go. One year my troop went to Camp Polly, and we were cleaning, organizing, and repainting the cabin. My sister was with me, and we wanted to check out the lake, so we went through the woods, the way we know how to get there, but there was one problem...we couldn’t find our way back. I was maybe nine or 10 at the time, whilst my sister was 7. With the skills I had acquired, wisdom, strength, bravery and …show more content…

Doing service hours, and doing the best I can (for grades) helped me to stay in National Honors Society, which I was awarded for the highest number of service hours in. At my church, ever since the seventh grade, I have gone on mission trips. A most memorable one, was a trip to Jamaica, we were volunteering with VBS around schools, and helping to fix up old churches that need repairing. The roof needed a lot of fixing, and I have fear of heights, but I was able to overcome my fear and continue to help wherever needed. My family went on a trip this summer, and my best friend came along. My mom, my friend and I decided to go kayaking. While we were out on the lake, my mom’s kayak flipped over, she couldn’t out and swim, so as she was holding on the top of the kayak, I decided some action needed to be taken. I called out left, right, left right, as my best friend and I each took a side, and finally got my mom to a doc, where she was

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