Abortion is one of the many topics that everyone has an opinion about. Whether you are for or against it everyone has an opinion about it. In our society it is a huge controversial issue that everyone is dealing with on a religious, personal or political aspect. Even though it was declared that abortion is a fundamental right in 1973 there is still debate about it on many different levels. Countless religious affiliations are against it, saying that unborn babies are human beings at the moment of conception, and have the right to life. Catholics are one of the biggest groups that is against abortion; it is in their belief that life is sacred from the moment of conception until natural death. In their eyes abortion is morally because it is taking the life of an innocent human being, born or unborn. Whether a human being is five or fifty or even one day old there should be respect for human life. If someone decides to kills a twenty year old girl it is considered murder. Unlike Catholics, many people do not look at abortion as murder, but as a way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Catholics believe that murder is sinful and immoral and that an unborn child should have the option to live and not be murder by it’s own mother. Abortion also defies the sixth commandment from God that states “Thou shalt not kill”. No matter what the circumstances are an innocent human being was conceived and nobody should have the right to take that unborn child’s life away.
Many young girls
As a catholic-born child, I was brought up with very strict rules laid out before me that would help me with choices such as the holy sacrament of confirmation and marriage to the very controversial choice of abortion. Since I’ve been Catholic all of my life, I am a firm believer in the pro-life choice, which is advocating full legal protection of embryos and fetuses along with high opposition to the legalization of induced abortions. A baby is a baby is a baby. Whether it is an embryo, fetus, or almost a full term baby, it is still considered life. That is how I like to view this topic. This semester I plan to research why abortion is morally wrong
This topic is also argued in different religions. The Catholic Church believes that abortion is murder and no person born or unborn should be unwillingly killed. Murder is against the Ten Commandments and a serious crime. They believe that abortion is wrong and just as bad as murder. Many Catholic protest abortion by holding protests outside of abortion clinics.
Abortion is a very controversial topic, but today, many statistics show that the Pro-Choice movement is gaining more and more popularity. However, Catholics can have faith that the Catholic Church’s Pro-Life stance shows God’s mercy. It proves how God is merciful to unborn humans, mothers considering abortion, and to all the people of the world. We can have more confidence in our choice for Pro-Life knowing that we are righteous because God believes in life for everyone.
Not all Christians have the same moral stance in the abortion debate. Firstly, Roman Catholics believe that life begins at conception and therefore, as the Bible says ‘You shall not murder’, abortion is always wrong as it is the murder of an innocent life. Catholics believe in the sanctity of life and that life is sacred and belongs only to God. In the Bible it says ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart’ and Catholics take this to mean that life is uniquely and divinely ordained even before conception – ‘for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb’ and that each new life is not a potential human being but a human being with potential. The Second Vatican Council ruled that ‘life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception’ and even in extreme situations, such as rape, abortion is never an option. For example, a Roman Catholic Archbishop said the abortion of twins carried by a 9-year-old rape victim would mean excommunication for
Even though majority of Catholics are against abortion but there are still some percentage of Catholics who has a different perspective to abortion like In Roman law, Abortion was not a huge problem because an infant did not have legal status until accepted by the pater familias, the head of the family, until accepted, the infant was
Is it considered murder if it’s not yet capable of thought or “sensation”? The Catholic Church throughout history has maintained the viewpoint that it is morally wrong from the time of conception. While early Christians, including Father of the Church Augustine, believed that Aristotle’s view was accurate in that sometime after conception the unborn child gained a soul, they generally condemned the entirety of the act of abortion as a sin. The severity of the sin has not been officially determined, but many believe it to be akin the sin of sexual immorality.
Abortion can be a very controversial topic and since it’s my view on this topic it’s pretty much what my religion sees it and how the world could see it. I’m Catholic so I see totally against abortion and pray to stop it, because its losing someone’s life and it’s not the babies’ decision to decide to live or die. It’s a life that could be taken away for no reason. Image if that baby was one that could be a life changer to the world and make the world a better place. I say that it should stop and be a federal law that stated that this nonsense stop, because it’s not right. Abortion is losing a life, therefor can in be under another law as cruel and usual punishment. It’s hard to decide since time has changed and laws where changed. It ties to a point where political science and religion meet. if whatever decision is chosen by the federal many
United States is divided into Democrats and Republicans, and this means that people have very different opinions about various topics. Questions like gay marriage, economic policies, and foreign policies divide people in several camps. They often have different values, preferences and beliefs, but when it comes to abortion, this is the topic that both Catholics and Democrats take extremely seriously and find it problematic (Leonhardt). The problem with abortion is that no matter what position you choose, someone’s rights are violated. In cases when it comes to gay marriage, for example, by allowing these people to marry each other, no other parties are harmed, but with abortion if you decide to give rights to have an abortion to women, then unborn babies are the ones who pay the price and this price is the most extreme – their life.
One of the toughest issues to debate in our world today is abortion. Abortion is the induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus can survive. Nowadays, abortion affects all people, not just the mother and the baby. There are moral, ethical, health-related, political, and religious aspects that affect how people feel towards abortion. By looking at religion and its views, one can see just how hard it would be to argue in the pro-choice position of this debate.
American law argues that, 'the fetus is a part of woman’s body until it is born.' It follows that the woman is granted full permission to terminate any unwanted pregnancy since the mother is responsible of what to remove from her body. (Tatalovich 13). Muslim view of abortion is really confusing as it sometimes support the act and to some extent condemns it. Although the religion jurisprudence doesn’t encourage the act of abortion, it lacks direct biblical (i.e. Sunnah and Quran) prohibition. According to Muslims, it’s noted that the position on abortion is seen to vary. Muslims permits abortion in particular conditions in specific stages of gestation (Religious Groups position on abortion). The Catholic religion opposes all the forms of abortion at any level whose purpose is to destroy an embryo or the fetus. Catholic religion respects life at any level of
Pregnant mothers can find themselves in sticky situations, that can lead them to choose to abort their unborn child. Many religious figures have spoken out against abortion, against willingly taking the life of another innocent human being. Catholics believe that unborn children are alive since the moment of conception, making abortion inexcusable and morally wrong. There are ways to help combat abortion peacefully, such as praying for pregnant mothers thinking that aborting their child is their best choice, because it is not. God is infallible, meaning He cannot make mistakes, and that includes
So from this we can safely say that Catholics view, and have always viewed, abortion as evil. Then again, we are relying on something uncertain -- how you determine the humanity of a being. Clearly Catholics do not view a fetus as a human being.
Abortion, the direct and deliberate killing of an unborn human being, has been a major problem and moral issue for thousands of years. As technology advances and respect for human life continues to drop significantly, it is important to inform everyone of the truth about abortion. The Catholic Church teaches that abortion, under any circumstance, is a grave sin and a violation of human dignity that every person, born or unborn, possesses. Through evidence and research done by many authoritative figures, learning about the true side to abortion can be easy to accesses and is clearly explained. However, it is up to those against, supporting, or considering abortion to find out this truth in order to live according to the church and to be happy.
Nowadays, in this world, there are a lot of problems that can make tremendous conflicts for human beings. They are very complicated and bring a lot of argument and nobody knows what the exact answer is. They also have pros and cons. One of the most complex problems is abortion. This is due to moral and ethical values which we all have. The majority of us are Christians or are brought up in that kind of ambiance which means that as small children we were taught values that are based on the bible such as that famous phrase “Thou shall not kill”. This phrase relates to this topic because an abortion is the murder of a human being.
Abortion is one of the most frequently discussed ethical issues inside the catholic faith. The morals given by the Church clearly prohibit all uses of contraception to halt a pregnancy. The major ethic which the church teaches is that the process of delivering a child on this planet involves the creative action of God, therefore it is sacred from the