
Glass Frogs

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Caimans vary in size from one meter for the dwarf caiman to almost five meters for the black caiman. They are most closely related to alligators and crocodiles. Their diet consists of fish, insects, birds, and small mammals and reptiles. Jaguars and humans are the only predators of caimans. Females build large nests and lay anywhere from 10 to 50 eggs which hatch in about six weeks. The temperature determines the gender of the babies. The mother then takes her young to a shallow pool to learn to hunt and swim. Juvenile caimens stay with their parents for around a year and a half. Once a juvenile reaches adult length, it is able to reproduce. If they survive long enough, they can continue to grow until reaching a size that may exceed 2.4 meters. (; animal Glass frogs have a translucent underbelly exposing the liver, heart, and intestines. Scientists believe that this is some sort of camouflage. Glass frogs have excellent eyesight which allows them to easily detect when prey is near. They are carnivorous-eating insects and spiders. Their main predators are snakes, …show more content…

Piranhas are omnivorous and will eat almost anything that it can find. Its diet mainly consists of snails, insects, fish, and aquatic plants. They will occasionally eat birds or larger mammals that fall into the water. Piranhas are eaten by river dolphins, crocodiles, turtles, birds, larger fish, and humans who hunt them for food. They are usually found in fast flowing rivers where there is enough food to go around. Since piranhas live in large shoals, competition for food is fierce and feeding frenzies can occur when there is blood in the water or when a shortage of food occurs. In April and May, piranhas mate. They move, in pairs, to slower moving waters and prepare a nest. The female then lays an average of 5000 eggs of which, usually 90 percent survive.

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