
Global Challenges for Exxon-Mobil Essay

Decent Essays

Running head: RESTORING A TARNISHED IMAGE Restoring A Tarnished Image- Global Challenges for Exxon-Mobil Case Study What should be done to improve the image of a company whose name is synonymous with environmental disaster and bribery? Exxon-Mobil’s C.E.O. Rex Tillerson faces this challenge. As C.E.O. of the largest publicly traded oil company in the world with the highest posted record profit ever in 2006 ( $39.5 billion) and revenues in excess of #377 billion, ( Tillerson faces constant scrutiny from environmental groups, and high expectations for profit from shareholders. Not to mention the looming memory that he is now the head of a company that caused the single worst oil spill in United States history and …show more content…

The company also has a ten year guideline for the reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions and a comprehensive action plan to deal with spills when they do occur. Bribery The most recent event to damage the ethical credibility of the company came in 2003 when its subsidiary, Mobil oil was investigated for bribing leaders in Kazakhstan and Equatorial Guinea. This, once again, brought Exxon-Mobil under scrutiny for its business practices and resulted in an even more tarnished corporate image. On of the company’s former executive officers was convicted of tax evasion and statements he gave at that hearing prompted and investigation into the possible involvement of Mobil Oil in the kickback scheme. An Oil Consultant working for Mobil was also convicted of violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for his involvement in the bribery of Kazakh officials. ( Conclusion Exxon-Mobil, over the last twelve years, has demonstrated a lack of sound ethics and accountability for actions that will it will not be able to repair overnight. The company faces a long hard road of repairing its image and any mistakes along the way will be heavily scrutinized. According to the company’s 2006 Corporate Citizenship Report, small steps are being made to ensure that the mistakes of the past will not be revisited, and that may very well be the best approach for this company to take. By

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