
Global Illlumination Despite Self-Illumination Analysis

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Global Illumination Though Self-illumination.
For some education is a foregone conclusion, particularly those who are wealthy and have means to attend an institution of higher learning. Education is not the sole purview of the wealthy while having means provides a lower bar for entry, lack of means does not prevent one from enlightening the self. Such is the case for both Frederick Douglas and Malcolm X, two men who enlightened themselves without access to the wealth that tethers education to those of the upper class. Hard work and determination can win the day and bestow a freedom that only an advanced education offers. These two men are shining examples of what can be accomplished when someone refuses to be denied an education. This story tells about, Malcolm X and Fredrick Douglas, and how they found themselves trapped, uninformed, and rose above their demographics.
Malcolm X was an African American convict who educated himself during his prison sentence. He focused on the study of the civil rights of African Americans. The illumination of Malcolm X began when he went to Charlestown Prison. Behind a string of robberies targeting wealthy whites. Malcolm is often quoted as saying, “It had really begun back in the Charlestown Prison”. (437) He met a man named Bimbi being more knowledgeable than Malcolm X this inspired his self-education. He read every book he could get his hands on. Malcolm X could not understand what he read. Realizing he needed to broaden his vocabulary he

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