
Global Warming : A Global Issue

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Global Warming: A Global Issue
Global Warming has many opposing viewpoints. Some people might say that it is not a big deal and others say that it is a very important issue. In my opinion, it is critical that we pay attention to this issue and take it seriously, as well as take action. It is important that we, as humans try to help slow down the process of the Earth warming. There are many factors contributing to global warming. Humans are a huge part of it, and we might not even know it. A great amount of daily human activities supply large quantities of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which is the main reason for the increasing global temperature. Global warming is responsible for many disastrous environmental changes. The Earth is heating up and it is taking a huge toll on the environment, animals, and humans.
Everyday humans contribute to global warming and they might even know it. Daily human activities like driving a car, operating a machine, and burning wood release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and as a result causes the global climate to warm. I know that I contribute to global warming every single day by just riding or driving a car. Robert T. Watson, whom is an associate director for environment in the White House office of science and technology, believes that global warming is largely caused by human activities that increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which presents a serious environmental threat. Watson

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