
Global Warming In Canada

Decent Essays

“Scientists have been warning about global warming for decades. It's too late to stop it now, but we can lessen its severity and impacts” - David Suzuki. Global warming, a primary topic of debate in various conversations throughout all levels of government, has been an issue for countless years. In fact, of the 134 years recorded, the 10 warmest years have all occurred “since 2000, with the exception of 1998 “(NASA). Solving a global issue such as this is not as easy as it may seem; however ,The Paris Agreement vows to do just that by setting a plan to limit global warming to well below 2°C in “the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal” (Europa). Before signing off on such an agreement one must analyze the many negatives …show more content…

The Paris Agreement looks to benefit developing countries as well, through providing “ongoing financing – a ‘floor’ of $100-billion a year between 2020 and 2025” Reguly & McCarthy, 2015). Even though it is a positive initiative towards such countries, there is no emphasis towards the impacts on developed countries. After numerous years of funding these developing countries, one can see a positive impact in Canada’s economy, as multiple trade relations with these countries will be created or further expanded upon. With improved trade relations, Canada’s GDP will see an increase as well, due to the fact that Canada relies heavily on supply chains – where corporations outsource many parts of their business. This use of supply chains represents “35 per cent of Canada’s gross domestic product” (Carmicheal), which will see an increase once these developing nations grown economically. Despite these positives, if a sum like this is payed, one cannot ignore the massive debt that Canada will continue to build upon. At first, the current fiscal plan looks to bring “three consecutive years of deficit spending totalling up to $10 billion per year” (Sorenson, 2015) up until the year 2020. This, along with the “additional five-year, $2.65-billion contribution to help developing countries tackle climate change” (Cheadle, 2015) will only bring about more hurdles for Canada’s economy to challenge. The national debt will create a short term fix in the economy, but will evidently slow down economic growth in the future with government revenues being substantially lower and citizens forced to pay greater tax

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