
Argumentative Essay: Global Warming Is A Myth

Decent Essays

Our Earth, the single known planet that supports life in the vast universe is said to be in crisis due to a phenomena known as global warming, luckily, this is just not the case. There are many sides on this debate, some say that the Earth is indeed warming, however some contend that this is not so, furthermore others are not sure about which side they are entrusting the Earth too. My standpoint on the heavily heated and controversial issue is that Global Warming as defined by its proponents is not occurring. I affirm that the Earth goes through natural warming and cooling trends. Global Warming as defined by its supporters would be a rising in the temperature of the entire Earth due to human activity increasing the amount of greenhouse …show more content…

Edmund Contoski wrote the article “Global Warming, Global Myth.” Global warming is in fact a myth that has been created by liberalist and is no different than the red scare that has occurred in the past, a supposed problem blown out of proportion by the mainstream media networks. As stated before the Earth goes through natural warming and cooling trends, one of these trends known as El Niño, which is a change in currents in the Pacific Ocean, which increase the temperature. Mankind the supposed source for all of our Earth’s climate problems does not even contribute 5% of the total carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is one of the main gases in the evil world-ending group known as greenhouse gases. In actuality, humans only produce about 3% of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leaving the other 97% percent to nature. Some of the worst offenders are not cars or factories, not even leaving the lights on in your house but in fact is the wetlands; yes the wetlands. The very same wetlands that have earned multiple groups begging for their protection because they are environmentally necessary are producing more greenhouse gases than all human activities combined. Termites are also bad for the environment, not for the fact that they destroy your home but the fact that they produce ten times more carbon dioxide then factories and automobiles. Volcanoes and Yellow Stone National Park also add to these totals. However, with all of the talk about

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