
Global Warming and Its Effect on Our Planet

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Nowadays, Global warming is an incontrovertible fact, which proves that our planet and its climate are in trouble. Well global warming is a term that denotes a slow warming of the earth’s regular temperature. It was also named exclusively man-made effects, in particular carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has largely increased during the past forty years, and scientists concluded that the average earth temperature has increased solely based on man-made activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, respiration of living organisms, cultivation of land, decay of dead organisms and deforestation. The study of global warming involves many sciences in order to examine the causes of global warming and try to find …show more content…

And others claim that these tornados don’t have to appear because of global warming. Since, 100 years ago we suffered from extreme weather occurred before humans filling-up the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. Therefore, these storms could be the cause of natural forces not global warming. To conclude, probably the majority of scientists have the same opinion about global warming and “greenhouse effect” that they are the main reason, why we suffer from hurricanes, tornados and storms, and as predicted, we will suffer to a great extent if we do not take pain to reduce pollution. And it will also affect the economies in the countries; it is a negative influence on the market and it will destroy homes and cause the death of thousands of people.

The method of this research is interviewing Mrs. Nadia Solib an environmental researcher and mainly her research and masters were about global warming. In this interview some important questions were asked:

What made you interested in the environment? and especially global warming?
Seeing humans destroy their own habitat made me very interested in fixing such a problem, and global warming will be our largest fear in the future. I needed to learn more about it to stand and make a difference.
What do you think of the greenhouse effect? It is composed of carbon dioxide that absorbs

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