
Globalization In The Four Horseman

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Globalization is becoming an important dynamic in the modern world as it affects all areas of life from politics, economics, and culture. Most prevalent in the globalizing world today is the disparity of wealth being distributed unequally. The documentary the Four Horseman, directed by Ross Ashcroft, discusses the processes and consequences of how wealth is distributed within American society, and is relatable to the theories of both Samir Amin, with the journal article “Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism”, and William I. Robinson’s “Global Class Formation and the Rise of a Transnational Class”. According to the documentary the Four Horsemen, American society is at a turning point of history in which globalized populations are now governed under the power of corporations and wealthy individuals (Ashcroft 2012). Globalization began with the creation of empires, and therefore the creation of private economies. After the second World War the United States held over 50% of the gross domestic products produced in the world making America the new “Roman Empire” of the globalizing world. Every empire, according to Sir John Glubb, follows six stages as to which an empire rises and eventually falls, and is believed to be applicable to the United States (Ashcroft 2012). The Stages range from the age of pioneers, the age of conquest, the age of commerce, the age of affluence, the age of intelligence, and lastly the age of decadence (Ashcroft 2012). The age of

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