
Globalization: Slower is Better

Decent Essays

Real estate groups such as Real Inmobilaria, are taking over high priced land centrally located in Havana, Cuba . The reason these companies are moving in, is due to legislation that was passed allowing foreign investments dealing with property ownership. Beginning in 1995, companies were allowed to construct property, if the land "…is used for private homes, for tourists, or for employees of foreign companies" (Reyes, 2). By the government allowing this to happen they are taking property away from Cuban residents. Now, even more so, Cuban citizens are forced to live in small, dirty, cramped houses, that should be deemed unlivable.

In this situation that Cuba is dealing with the government is attempting to build up and integrate Cuba to …show more content…

The new members political system may need to change, and the economics of the country may also suffer. The only thing the country can look forward to is a better tomorrow.

The benefits of becoming a part of the global market and system are countless. By joining, you gain allies. The other members of the system want the process of globalization to succeed, due to this, the other members will be willing to lend assistance where needed. Assistance can range from altering the government, helping to suppress rebellious parties, and foreign investments in the country.

In dealing with localization, and retaining the citizens’ distinctiveness, the citizens must hang on and not become overwhelmed with the new theories and ideas that will influence their communities. Culture is a large part of every group, whether that group is a small town, a state, or the whole country. All groups must learn to cherish their history. Politics is a complicated system that is not perfect. Due to this there is not one political system that will always work. Different systems work, dealing with the actions of the society and the beliefs of the citizens. If the political system is strong enough, that when challenged is deemed superior, that new country could influence the other members, and if not change governmental systems, at least supplement them. Economic standards are always changing, and the value of the dollar can

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