
Gloria Anzaldua

Good Essays

The Beginning of a Coming Together Gloria Anzaldua’s short essay, Towards a New Consciousness, begins with the description of her mixed culture, a mestiza, and the conflicts she faces in being torn between being Mexican and Native American. Anzaldua expresses her struggle of her torn heritages by describing herself as being caught between two cultures and their values. Instead of being able to love and respect both cultures, Anzaldua feels as if we people feel the need to take up one side of our heritage and end up hating the other part. She paints an image as standing on an opposite side of a riverbank, yelling back and forth answers and questions showing that we eventually end up favoring one side and only getting pieces of the other …show more content…

In the end though, Gloria Anzaldua states that the struggle in the inner self needs to be healed before any problems within our races and between other cultures can be solved. [Though Gloria Anzaldua’s biased statements may cause many to feel offended, she provides a viable resolution to solve the fight between different races and cultures, which is an effect of ignorance and holding up borders to feel safe. She also provides a feasible resolution to individuals’ unawareness, which ultimately begins by looking at the inner psyche.] There is plenty of violence and hatred going on throughout the world today and much of it is not because of a specific reason or for revenge but mainly because of ignorance. There are many conflicts within the human race, especially concerning racism and violence, and Anzaldua makes it clear that ignorance is what keeps people split apart, and it is what causes all of these issues in our world today, such as war, poverty, and pessimism. A recent event of this in our world today is the war in Uganda, and the fact that young boys are fighting and killing in a war they know nothing about. The people in Africa are fighting each other for no reason except for the fact that a long time ago the

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