
Gmo Labelling : Gmo Labeling

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that the last year have been greatly influenced by the polemics surrounding GMO labelling. My major concern is the educational component that seems to be missing from this argument. Many people do not entirely understand what GMOs are and the benefits and consequences of eating them or the processes enacted to allow for a pesticide-free version of a highly common vegetable or fruit in the public’s repertoire of groceries. In this paper, I will argue for required labelling of foods that contains either GMOs or is GMO free. Labelling means decisions, decisions mean trade-offs, but I do not want for people, in the most ideal scenario, to have to make these decisions without first being armed with the sufficient knowledge to make a decision.
When I see a label on a food product, normally it is to tell me that this product contains an allergen, or does not contain an allergen. Depending on my health needs, I can move forward, either buying it or abstaining. It is clear in this scenario what my risk is. GMO labelling, I believe, would occupy a similar realm for the average consumer. GMO’s, however, do not prompt the same analytical and experiential thinking about risk as, for instance, an allergen. When you have an allergy to something or know someone who does, you can see how it affects them physiologically, the experiences can vary from minor annoyances to extremely painful and possibly deadly. No one can claim those same associations, an availability of these kinds of

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