
God Shaped Me Through My Mother

Satisfactory Essays

God shaped me through my mother; by witnessing her, convictions, strong morals, loving disposition, nonjudgmental nature and unshakable faith. I learned why we should never judge others because we are all God’s children. I learned my faith is permanent, and there is nothing and no one that can make me stop believing. I learned how precious life is and giving up is never an option.
When I say, I learned true Christian values from my mom I am not referring to words my mother said nearly as much as I am referring to the actions I witnessed. My mother was extremely well versed in the Bible; however, she never used Bible verses as weapons. As a matter of fact, it meant more when my mom did quote the Bible because she did not do it all the time and when she did it was very relevant and eloquent. I was always a bit taken off guard when my mom did quote the Bible because I would suddenly remember how much of the Bible she knew word for word. She never put on a show whether it was speaking or taking action she always had pure intentions. When I was thirteen years old, my mom and I went to a grocery store. Little did I know what seemed like an insignificant trip to the store would actually be a life shaping event that I would later write about in this essay. My mom and I were in Austin, and we decided to pop into a grocery store I cannot even remember why, but I do remember noticing a filthy homeless man almost immediately after entering the store. He was randomly walking up to

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