
Gods In The Odyssey Essay

Decent Essays

The Role of the Gods
The Odyssey written originally in Greek by Homer is on the most acclaimed pieces of literature of all time. Being a major piece of poetic history, The Odyssey is still extremely influential based on its unique rhythm pattern and masterful storytelling. Homer’s epic follows the journey home for a heroic soldier named Odysseus following the Trojan War. One of the major factors he encounters on his journey are a plethora of gods that interact with him. Odysseus interacts with several proactive, human-like, and powerful gods on his quest to find his home and family in Ithaca.
The gods discussed within The Odyssey are extremely proactive and frequently take roles upon the earth that they are supposed to rule. One early example in the poem is when Athene takes a trip to Ithaca to visit with Odysseus’s son Telemachos. In order to protect her identity, she spoke to him as Mentes who was a family friend (Odyssey 1.180). Athene shows how active the gods are in the mortal world by intervening in this situation with the son of Odysseus. By giving him advice and interacting with him, she is taking a very active role in the …show more content…

By inserting a large amount of Ancient Greek culture into The Odyssey, Homer gives a lot of insight to the belief system and social structure of Ancient Greece. The gods of ancient mythology were one of the huge pieces of the puzzle that makes The Odyssey so interesting to both readers and historians alike. The gods that are involved in The Odyssey are extremely proactive, have some human-like qualities, and still possess plenty of power. By being a central figure in the storyline, Athene is an impeccable example of gods using their power in a way that interacts directly with the mortal world in a human-like fashion, much like the gods discussed in The Epic of

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