
Going After Cacciato Analysis

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Going after Cacciato is an anti-war novel written by Tim O’Brien that expresses the dread of the Vietnam War. Paul Berlin, a young and inexperienced soldier, was being torn apart at the seams with the guilt of killing his comrade Caccatio. a person who appeared to be plagued by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder creating an effort to justify the war to himself.
Paul Berlin feels the necessity to imagine chasing Cacciato, as a result of he fired the shots that killed him, accidentally. Cacciato, who is seen as an irresponsible reasonable person by Berlin and his comrades in arms. His actions are seen as those of an individual who isn't that smart, however, he's not involved with the war occurring around him, nor can he have queries of the war itself.
Paul Berlin, throughout one night, whereas on watch duty, regarding the past and events that lead him to daydream concerning aiming to Paris. the entire journey of aiming to notice Cacciato was all a daydream thought up by Berlin to deal with the guilt, but in addition decide to come back to terms. Berlin usually finds himself explaining the actions or behavior of Cacciato. Once the boys initial leave and initially spot Cacciato at intervals the mountains on their journey, they see through binoculars that he opens his mouth to speak; then thunder roars. the alternative soldiers speculate that Cacciato is creating an effort to emulate a chicken, trying to squawk and fly. it's Paul who tells the lieutenant that what Cacciato aforesaid

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