
Good Earth Quotes

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From the mountains of Switzerland to the rivers of America one question comes up. Is life over here like life over there? According to The New York Times on a novel called The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck states “ A comment upon the meaning and tragedy of life as it is lived in any other quarter of the globe.” The novel contains a journey of life, adventures by a farmer Named Wang lung. Through his adventures he hits many bumps and ridges. The quote stated by The New York Times that those bumps Wang Lung is receiving in China occurs and can be found in any other part of the world. An example of those bumps, is tragedy, as spoken in the quote. Tragedy can be found in every human beings life. Tragedy can be defined in many ways; one way being poverty. One might not have enough to support their family because they are in a state of poverty. Poverty, as it is being described in The Good Earth can be found in Wang Lung’s life. According to the novel “Day by day the opulence of this city Wang lung lived in the foundations of poverty…”(p.120). This shows the poverty hidden behind …show more content…

Greed is the source of all robberies and hatred i the world, and is truly a tragedy that lies in every human in the world. No one can deny in fact, they have never felt greedy in their life. Greed is the source and the starting felling for power hungry dictators to begin their path. In The Good Earth in the very end the sons are wanting more money to feed their avarice back stab their father and are wanting to sell his land. Another example of greed that lies in the mountains of Afghanistan which hide the terrorist organization of the Taliban's. They use extreme force and make sure everyone fears them so that they can dominate every person on earth to serve their greed for power. This shows that greed is a tragedy that live all around the world. Greed stands just like oppression of the rich does to poverty as a universal

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