
Good Intentions And Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein

Better Essays

Raj Khatri
9 January 2017
Good Intentions and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Throughout history, there are many examples of noble intentions turning into horrendous actions, such as Cesare Borgia’s idea of unifying Italy turning into a man’s desperate grab for power. Probably the most influential time periods that stand as a shining example of noble intentions turning into horrible actions is the early 1800’s with the French revolution, radicalism in Europe, and the clash political beliefs. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein echoes with examples of great intentions becoming terrible actions. It is clear that Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein depicts how one’s noble intention can quickly become evil; this is evident through the …show more content…

He then murders a man afterward in the chapter, which just shows how the Monster shows both John Locke’s theory, as the Monster was punished for his deeds which lead him to murder a man because of how his punishment for saving a girl. The Monster also shows Locke’s theory when he says “I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind?” (Shelley 147), which he further says “Let him live with me in the interchange of kindness, and instead of injury I would bestow every benefit upon him with tears of gratitude … if I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear” (Shelley 148). The Monster clearly states he is the way he is because of the situation he is placed in. If people are kind to him he will be kind back with “tears of gratitude” (Shelley 148). He is a subject of his environment which molds him into the person he is in the novel and the Monster knows this. The Monster is clearly an example of Locke’s Tabula Rasa, as he is a product of his environment. There are even more comparisons stated in an article on in the University of Pennsylvania as “He [The Monster] learns the causes of his feelings of pain or pleasure and how to produce the effects he desires … the Creature’s education is completed in just the way Locke advocates” (Mellor). This just shows the influence that Locke has on Shelley as there are many references to Locke’s work in

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