
Good People By David Foster Wallace Essay

Decent Essays

Assignment #2- Content/Theme In the past twenty-five centuries, the essence of music and art were used as a form of literature. Writers that have not been writing in the past twenty-five centuries tended to music and arts as a way to implement this theme. Arts such as live performances, oracles and paintings or drawings were used to portray a story. These helped people see things through own perspective. One theme that continues to preoccupy the writing of a few twenty-first century writers is the search for self-identification. This theme has become a symbolic part of literature. The role this theme still plays an essential part in the twenty-first century. The significance of finding yourself is that it is a stand against societal norms. Metaphorically speaking, finding yourself is a form of rebellion. David Foster Wallace’s “Good People” follows a young couple faced with a tough decision. One of the main characters, Sheri, will be on the journey to search for herself which will ultimately influence her final decision. In David Foster Wallace’s short story “Good People”, a young girl, Sheri, is has to make a decision that will change her life forever. Sheri and her boyfriend, Lane, are very religious couple faced with unexpected news. The love for her boyfriend and the love for …show more content…

Even though she knew that there would be a possibility that Lane would not stay with her. “That she knows he does not love her, not that way, has known it all this time, and it’s all right” (Wallace). This exemplifies how dependent Sheri was on Lane’s companionship and love. It wasn’t until Sheri searched deep within herself that she was able to gain her independence. “That all night last night she prayed and searched inside herself and decided this is what love commands of her.” (Wallace) Though religion plays a big part of the couple’s lives, it is ultimately Sheri’s final

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