
Goth Culture Is A Counter Culture

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The Goth culture is a counterculture. A counterculture is a way of life and a set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm. The way a Goth views the world and their strange choices of wardrobe are different from other cultures. Goths are technically a subculture, because they do have different views then the rest of the world, but they are more of a counterculture. They also are not a deviant subculture. Though they view the world in a very different way, they are in no danger of becoming a criminal subculture. Dressing in dark clothing doesn’t automatically make them evil. Some obvious norms of the Goth culture, are wearing …show more content…

They don’t have to be ridiculed for being different from everyone else. Being a part of the Gothic culture allows them to be accepted, and praised for being who they are. One folkway of the Gothic culture is smoking and drinking. Not every Goth smokes or drinks, but there are some that do. Another folkway is to be polite to everyone, even if you don’t really like them. Goths don’t always get along with everyone, but many feel it is important to at least be polite. Goths are stereotyped as evil people, so the try to prove people wrong. Not every Goth agrees with that statement. A more that the Goths follow is to be accepting. There are no requirements that are needed to become a Goth, because all Goths are different. For example, some Goths are religious, while other Goths choose to be atheists. The Gothic culture was formed so that people who had a darker view on life has a place to fit in. So being accepting of other Goths is very important. Most Goths choose to wear darker clothes, specifically black. They also

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