
Gothic Mood In Bram Stoker's Dracula

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There are many things a novel or movie can have in it to change or influence the mood of the novel or movie. Like in a scary movie, when you hear the petrifying music, it send chills down your spine and lets the watchers know that something scary is about to happen. In “Dracula” by Bram Stoker, Stoker creates a gothic mood through the whole novel by using ill-fated deaths, unnerving surroundings, and thoughts of fear to influence this mood. First, Stoker uses ill-fated deaths as a way to influence the mood. Lucy was once a loved and valued woman. One night she is bitten by a vampire which then transforms her into a vampire. Helsing finds this out and is on a mission to kill her so he human soul can rest at peace. As it is quoted in the book, “In a trance she died, and in trance she is Un-Dead, too…There is no malign there, see, and so it makes it hard that I must kill her in her sleep” (274-275). Helsing cuts off her head, fills her …show more content…

“But I am not in heart to describe beauty, for when I had seen the view I had explored further, doors, doors, doors everywhere, and it’s all locked and bolted. In no place safe from the windows in the castle walls is there an available exit. The castle is a veritable prison, and I am a prisoner!” (36). Harker is realizing that he is no longer surrounded by a humble house but is now surrounded by a prison. Before Harker even arrives to the castle he is slightly alarmed on his trip over there by the surroundings. He got to endure the mysterious country that Transylvania had to offer. The trip even offers an encounter with a vicious pack of wolves. The whole trip he wrote notes of how creepy the place was. It’s just like when the music starts to play in a scary movie, you know something scary is about to happen. The unnerving surrounds foreshadow that something cruel or wicked is about to happen and this influences the gothic mood as

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