
Gothic Themes In The Film Rebecca

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In Rebecca ominous settings, mysterious secrets, and character’s extreme duress contributed to the gothic theme. The ominous setting set in Rebecca is one example of how gothic theme is shown. Manderley is an example of an ominous setting because of the fact that it was shown to be all burned down at the beginning, so you knew something horrible was going to happen to Manderley before you even knew what Manderley was. Manderley was surrounded by many trees and it was usually misty/foggy causing an ominous feel. Inside of Manderley there were stained glass windows, exquisite designs on the walls, heavy drapes covering windows, and it looked about like a castle. There was also Rebecca’s room which was on the west wing and rarely anyone went in. That reminded me of “The Masque …show more content…

The secret throughout the film was Rebecca. Not much was told about Rebecca in the beginning, so we were confused and eager as Mrs. de Winter was. But as we slowly learned about Rebecca, the more things started to make sense and it starts getting more intense causing a bit gothic theme going on. The thing about Rebecca that most people didn’t know was that she was seeing her cousin Jack and pretending to have a happy life at Manderley with Maxim. And the day she announced she was pregnant with a child that might not be Maxim, Maxim killed her, which makes a secret Maxim kept to himself. Maxim killing Rebecca can be compared to Emily killing Homer Barron in “A Rose for Emily” reason being is they both killed their lover, but Maxim killed it out of rage and Emily had no apparent reason but maybe having a bit of psycho in her. Towards the end, it was shown that Rebecca has been visiting this doctor who revealed that Rebecca was in a non-recoverable stage of cancer and had a few months to live so we assumed that Rebecca might have been a bit psycho making up a lie that she was pregnant so Maxim could kill

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