
Government : Machiavelli And The Power Of The Government

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Machiavelli attempted to quell the political instability characteristic of his time by creating a political system that stressed tranquility. He believed in the power of the leader to make difficult choices to maintain their regime by any means necessary. Machiavelli entrusted leaders to make decisions that benefitted the masses and believed that strategic use of lies, cruelty and violence were necessary in order to preserve order. On the contrary, Socrates believed in a political system where people were able to challenge leadership through their personal beliefs and stressed the importance of humility. Socrates would argue that Machiavelli’s concept of a Prince is too self-interested and that this Prince would lead to a corrupt political system of which he would not support. Machiavelli was a consequentialist and therefore valued the results of actions, regardless of how those results were achieved. He argued that the sovereign should be measured by the success of their acts. In assessing a sovereign’s actions the sustainability, reach and probability of success should be considered. For Machiavelli, the most important thing was to maintain the stability of the state and it did not matter how this was achieved. Socrates would argue that consequentialism would lead to a corrupt government. In accomplishing “ends” without worrying about the means, the goal of the sovereign is purely to uphold his regime. Therefore, the sovereign would not develop a consistent foundation on

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