
Graduation Speech : College Is Expensive

Decent Essays

Despite the expenditure, an education received at a higher institute is a beneficial investment in one’s life. Not only does a person benefit from useful information taught in classes throughout the time spent at the institute, but the economic benefits, social benefits, and the overall quality of life are all valuable in the duration of life after graduation. Yes, college is expensive. It is inevitable that a student or parent/guardian will be paying a significant amount of money for an education. However, a student can apply for financial aid to help them get through the financial burdens of a college education. A student can apply for the FAFSA, which grants federal money for students going to college. Another option would be grants and scholarships, money a student does not have to pay back to the person granting the money. The final option would be student loans. Loans can be deferred so a student does not have to start paying the money back until after they graduate from college. The monetary expense is little in comparison to the benefits of going through the process of getting a great education at a higher institute. With a rising unemployment rate in the United States, an abundance of people are looking for jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), people who attain a degree from a university will have a lower unemployment rate as opposed to those that do not receive a degree. In 2014, the unemployment rate for people with a doctoral degree was

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