
Essay on Graduation Speech

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The time has finally come. Fellow seniors, we are now on our own. It's time to take down our parking permits and clean out our binders one last time. Tonight is our graduation - a time to celebrate an end to a journey.
Tonight is our commencement - the beginning of a new course. We've said goodbye to our teachers, signed yearbooks, paid our fines; now we celebrate 13 years of progress and friendship and we look forward to achieving our goals as we embark on a new odyssey.

We've seen our last dance. We've yet to experience our first college lecture. We've heard our last announcements, now we eagerly look forward to making headlines. We've played in our last football game (in the Tacoma Dome), and now we are ready to start this game of …show more content…

The little that you do will go a long way.

The friendships we made with teachers, the lessons we learned from friends, the hard times and high times with our peers and families have culminated into our social development. Whether it's the time you told a girl you liked her, or the time you and your friends were alluded to in the Police Beat, there are moments in high school that have shaped your personality and developed your own identity. It's those moments that are embedded in our character and define who we are.

If we come back to Sulzer 20 years from now, the teachers will have changed, the classrooms will have moved, and old textbooks will no longer be useful. But high school isn't textbooks; your unique experience is what you'll remember. Remember hiding your ASB card because your school picture wasn't the greatest, or that joke that made you laugh so hard you choked on your lunch and threw up, or those three copies of Mr. Morris' government book that somehow ended up on your bookshelf at home and haven't been returned. That's what high school means to us - memories of life and laughter, and I guess just a little bit of formal learning.

Each year prepared us differently. A look back on our years together at Sulzer will bring back memories you will never forget, but they will also remind you that we are now prepared for the next stage of our lives. Freshman year ... The motto: carpe

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