First Grade (Family/School)
First Grade Competency 1 - Understand the symbols, icons, and traditions of community, state, and nation relates to theme II. Time, Continuity, and Change. The curriculum framework states that first grade helps children to understand family life and structure, as well as their roles in a global setting—such as the community. Students are learning about variations in the ways families’ live (i.e. single-parented, self-employed, unemployed, retired and various other housing options. Children should learn that family is the primary support group for people everywhere. Objective c. under Competency 1 states that students learn and discuss songs that express the ideals of the United States of America (i.e. America the Beautiful, the Star Spangled Banner, etc). NCSS Standard II relates to Competency 1 because the Learner Expectations require an in depth understanding of one’s past, where they have come from, to understand where they are going or even to realize how far they have come. First Grade Competency 2 - Understand everyday life in different times and places around the world relates to the theme III. People, Places, and Environment. Objective a. under Competency 2 states that students use a map and/or globe to locate the local community, Mississippi, the United States, the seven continents, and the oceans. NCSS Standard III relates to Competency 2 because the Learner Expectations require students to possess the ability to map information in
I mentioned something to you last week about continuing to mentor for next semester at Kennedy middle school and you told me that I needed to ask the school for permission. Who would I need to contact in order for me to continue to mentor next semester?
Hi, Mrs. Anderson! It's Tabbi and I was wondering about the eighth grade graduation video. Every year Mrs. James made a video that included baby pictures and other pictures from there time at Norwood. So, with Mrs. James no longer at Norwood will the graduating class still get a video? If no one is making a video who could I get in contact with to see if I could make the video. I would love to volunteer my time to make a video they will enjoy for many years to come.
Tonight since it was my last time working with Keily, I told keily that today she could pick the game that we played today, but I told her it had to be math related. Of coarse, the first couple games that she wanted to play were not math related at all, but the she asked if we could play a card game. After observing in a kindergarden classroom last semester and looking at Pintrest from time to time, I drew from my previous knowledge to think of a card game that we could play that would relate to math. The first game that popped into my head was the card game war, but this was a modified version of the game. Instead of the regular war game, we would play addition wars. I told keily that in this card game we would split the deck of cards between
Dear administrators, teachers, parents, beloved friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 8th grade graduation. It’s a pleasure to be standing in front of you today on this beautiful day to express the happiness we all feel.
August 21st, 2017. The year where a handful of kids from Curtsinger, Gunstream, Shawnee Trail, etc, all come to Wester Middle School, as an official 6th grader. This is the year all of us went from being the “Big kids” in Elementary School All the way down to being the little babies of Middle School! As I was finishing the 5th grade, all of our teachers were helping us to figure out what it’s going to be like. I was terrified about getting late to classes and losing all my friends who weren't in my classes! These things freaked me out just thinking about them!
I started writing my first real essay in the Eighth grade, and I never knew why I was given such an awful task. I am a terrible English/Writing scholar and I never could comprehend the concept of writing. I put a lot of work and heart into my first essay, but that still didn’t get me the grade that I wanted. Needless to say I got a “D” on the essay. I was extremely disappointed in the grade I made and I wanted to reject writing all together, but that is not the kind of scholar I am, so I began my journey during my Eighth grade year to become a better writer. I had many academic goals that year, but my main goal was to excel on the English state writing test at the end of the year. The test would determine if I moved on to ninth grade English or if I would get placed in a pre-high school English program. To achieve my goals I knew that I was going to have to work hard not only on developing the papers I write, but also making sure they are grammatically correct, interesting, and that each story or essay gets the main point across as well.
Welcome everyone who has accompanied me here today. Today is the day where we are 8th graders for the very last time. Many of us have matured over the last two year and some of us still need more time to bloom. We have faced many challenges over the course of the school years here at Ladera vista, after waves of work putting us down, yet our determination keeps us afloat. The environment here at this school is amazing. Everyone here is friendly and wants you to succeed (almost everyone).
Welcome to Northwood Middle School- a place to successfully prepare all students for their futures! Here, you can be educated in a good working environment, but also partake in exciting activities such as clubs of all types, and exciting pep assemblies. However, this might seem strange but Northwood is also quite similar to a cell!
You walk in scanning the badge I gave you the night before you go up the stairs and look no one sees you . walking up to the room I told you about you go in and lock the door , in the middle of the room you see an abandon desk. in the corner is filing cabinet and there a door on the left side
For those of you who are terrified of going into Junior High...don’t be. It’ll be a breeze, at least for most of you. Just remember that you have help all around you whether it’s a teacher a classmate or a even your parents. I can remember a time when I was in Elementary School and I was afraid to transfer into Jr. High. Well now I’m afraid to go into High School. That’s why I’m here to help you through your fear. Some of the most important things in Jr. High is your academics, your personal responsibility, and your social life.
A social studies curriculum should expand a child’s thinking about themselves, his or her community, and ultimately the world (Epstein, 2014). The Little Minds at Work preschool curriculum was evaluated, and found to meet most of the criteria included on the evaluation tool. Utilizing developmentally appropriate practice, this curriculum integrates content areas, encourages critical thinking, and develops problem-solving through hands-on activities (West, 2017).
A higher education has been an important priority in my life. While I realized a high school education was important, my parents expected more. They said if I wanted to succeed in life, a college education was something that I could not live without. What they don’t tell you is how exhausting and confusing the process is to get even into.
Good evening family, friends, faculty, administration, and lastly fellow “soon to be” graduates of Haywood Middle School. It is an honor and a privilege to welcome each and every one of you to the Haywood Middle School graduation. It is just so remarkable to think that our past three years at HMS are officially coming to a close. The past three years have been full of twists and turns that have been made by countless challenges to overcome, whether they be social or academic.
Throughout life people go through so many adversities. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that arises out of the situation. One of the most thrilling, but yet frightening events to take place throughout someone’s life would be graduation. For many people, graduating from high school is an objective. It takes a lot of time, effort, and determination to accomplish that goal. For others graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning of a new chapter in life. When graduated people feel as if adulthood has begun. In the long run, graduating opens a lot of opportunities for people to thrive.
Congratulations on becoming a ninth grader! It’s indeed a milestone in your life, which you should be proud of. However, you should also understand that expectations at this stage are higher than ever. Your teachers will give you more homework with shorter deadlines, and most of the work will be your responsibility. Do not be anxious, as I will help you with ten good study habits you can form to make your high school experience awesome!