
Graduation Speech: Hadley 8th Grade

Decent Essays

Welcome all to the graduation of the Hadley 8th grade class this year. I want to begin by saying a big congrats to the graduating students of 2017 for making it through all the bumps and swerves in this winding road we have had in these past three years. As I begin, the thoughts run through my head of how our time here had one terrifying beginning, memorable end, and a middle consisting of lots of late nights, rushed mornings,different kinds of distractions, and tests many forgot to study for. Every year I spent here I gained a little more independence, and became all that much closer to who I am today. So today we are celebrating us, and all the milestones we have achieved in our adventure here at Hadley Jr. High.
Summing up our experience at hadley in just a few minutes is a difficult task, but here it goes. Starting in sixth grade, anxiety levels were sky high for all the pewey …show more content…

Lunch slowly became many favorite subjects, and friends became a little bit closer. The track we were all on, seemed far from right, but hey, it’s 7th grade. By 8th grade we all thought we pro's with the process, and by week two, that thought was demolished. No one here had a perfect 3 middle school years, some of yours might have been close, but I do know that we all have to thank each other for teaching all of us how to be our bold amazing selves.
The thing with middle school is, you don’t know what’s right around the corner, whether it is a PBL, new project, pop quiz, or a crammed week of tests and presentations. But right now, for the end of this chapter, we should be proud of finishing this part, and continue on writing the rest of our stories. You are going to hit so many bumps in the road, the hopeless feelings you will have at one point, will feel like nothing when laughing with all of the close friends you have met here, and can hopefully stay with them for a

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