
Graduation Speech : My Role For A Student With Children, Families, And Women

Decent Essays

It’s a great feeling when it’s not a struggle to attend class or a struggle to do your homework. To be able to attend class with enthusiasm to want to learn something new. That is the motivation created by knowing you’re were you are meant to be. So far my adulthood has consistent of a lot of experiences that I drag myself to do, out of need for money or need to get out of another situation. After two other attempts to pursue other educational goals I finally find myself where I feel I can be successful. I have always been a helper at heart. I am not biased at whom I help. However, I’ve found my passion to be in helping and working with children, families, and women. This passion to help these people not only comes from unfortunate experiences as a child, but the belief that helping those in need will help change their world for the better. The belief that helping that children will not only change their future, but could possibly change the world. To help them achieve a good future you need to help the foundation of their creation and that is their families and women who bear them. One of my social work career goals is to start as an intern at the department of social services, working in child protective services. This will be a challenging, good start for me. This internship could possibly help me pursue this agency as a future employer. I would also like to go into the field after graduating next year. Before I pursue graduate school I want to have idea of what social

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