
Graduation Speech : My School Chorus

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"Hurry up, this girl hasn 't got her makeup done yet. Please! Someone come over and help her! There is only half an hour left before the final rehearsal on the stage." After seeing me wandering in the powder room, Miss Sun yelled to one of the makeup artists. As a twelve year old girl, I knew it was going to be a special night for me. My school chorus has been prepared for this performance at the Golden Hall for half a year. We were going to perform two Chinese folk songs. We have endured 10 hour flight from China to Vienna for this performance. It was my first time traveling out of the country without my parents. All of the excitement has overwhelmed me while I was wondering in the powder room. Finally, one of the makeup artists came and made me sit on the chair. While she was doing my makeup, she tried to calm my nerves. "Are you nervous about the performance?" "I think so. I only performed at my school before. Do you think there will be a lot of people coming tonight?" "Oh, yes! You know, you guys are representing for your country. There will be hundreds of people expecting to see a tremendous performance." The thought of performing in front of hundreds of foreigners has overwhelmed me with fear. I felt like I was not able to breath or even make a sound at that moment. While the makeup artist finishing up with my makeup, I felt like I was a Barbie doll who was being manipulated by the others. I did what I was told to do, but other than that, I felt

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