
Graduation Speech: Oriole Park Elementary School

Decent Essays

Oriole Park Elementary School Class of 2016, congratulations, we did it!
Mr. Riff, esteemed teachers and staffs, dearest parents and grandparents, guests, fellow graduates, relatives, friends, ladies, and gentlemen, good morning!
“To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.” -Chinese Proverb.
On the very first day of this school year, Ms. Poulos gave us the first challenging word that I have encountered and of course more of such words followed. She told us to be tenacious. The word “tenacious” lingered in my mind. It means tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely; determined, and persistent.
Class of 2016, graduation day is a special day for all of us. …show more content…

Can you still remember our first days in kindergarten? When our parents dropped us off and left us in the classroom? Do you remember who cried and clung onto our parent’s pants, not wanting to let go? I did. Innocent, dependent, and immature as we were, we thought we couldn’t survive a day without our parents by our side. We did not understand why you have to leave and rush to work or get back home to attend to other siblings and household chores. With each passing day we became familiar with the school life, we were drawn to our new friends, engaged in new learnings and experiences, and we became independent, yet at the end of the day, rain or shine, we found you on the school’s doorsteps with open arms to welcome us. You are always there for us. You faced the tasks of rearing us seem so …show more content…

Hence, we want to dedicate these accomplishments to all of you, our dear parents, grandparents, and families. We love you.
Additionally and most important of all, we thank God for uplifting our spirits when we are down; gave us strength when we are powerless; and loved us in spite of our shortcomings.
Class of 2016, today is the beginning of the next chapter of our life long novel. Sometimes, when I got stuck on a math problem, my dad would always say, “You can never solve a problem if you don’t start it. You will not reach the end if you do not start at the beginning.” However, it only takes a single step at a time to get to where we want to be.
Will Rogers once said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Let us not settle for less. Let us keep on striving for the best and be the best by doing great things to make a difference to the people around us.
Class of 2016, let’s all go out and be the Panthers of Oriole Park Elementary School, bold, brave, and tenacious!
To God be the glory! God bless you all. God bless Oriole Park School.
Thank you and welcome to our graduation

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