
Graffiti And Street Art

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Until the late 1960s, art was demonstrated mostly within the closed doors of museums, galleries or homes, however art experienced a change during the 1970s when graffiti and street art movements came into view. Despite the differences between graffiti and street art, the history of street art was derived from graffiti. Graffiti movement, aka style writing (Blanché, 2015, p. 32), emerged during the 1960s-1970s in New York City and Philadelphia as a rebellious movement and became synonymous with hip-hop culture during the 1980s (Waclawek, 2008, p. 2). Graffiti initially involved tagging, which consisted of a writer’s signature done by a spray can (Danysz, 2011, p. 25) to mark their territory. In the second half of the 20th century the street …show more content…

Mainly in light of that street art, juxtaposed to graffiti’s territory marking, which subsumed more internal communication within its subcultures, went beyond and integrated a variety of genres and techniques, such as stencil graffiti, sticker art, street installations, sculptures, art interventions, video projection, chalk art, animation, 3D art, paper art and many more, aiming at a broader audience. The street art movement was widely spread around the world and some evident examples include the famous Berlin Wall, which served as open gallery for German artists in the 1980s; and well-known names such as the British, most controversial activist and street artist Banksy, the Italian artist Blu with huge world-famous murals, and Shepard Fairey who succeeded with creating his own trademark — …show more content…

1) as part of the city’s visuals that involve street art, advertising campaigns and other artistic projects shaping the city’s dynamics. Danysz (2011) noted that the street as a public and collective space was getting privatized, which strongly influenced the emergence of activists and street art visionaries (p. 21-22) where a message is a medium (p. 300). As a visual composition, the purpose of street art is in delivering meaning that resonates with people and finds a greater interest. Riggle (2010) perfectly defined the general and initial importance of street art by stating that street art „has the power to engage, effortlessly and aesthetically, the masses through its manifest creativity, skill, originality, depth of meaning, and beauty“ (p. 243). Although the definition of arts or what is considered as an artwork goes beyond the scope of the following work, the common objective is verifying the consideration of street art as

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