
Graffiti Art Or A Crime? Essay

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Is graffiti an art or a crime? There is much controversy that surrounds graffiti even though some people may feel graffiti is an act of vandalism. I feel that graffiti is one of the most interesting expressions of art. “Art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination” (Lloyd 1) Graffiti is an art because it uses key elements of art. These elements include color, line and form. These elements are all included in both traditional art and graffiti. Graffiti artists all over are expressing their feelings through their artwork. It allows people who cannot express themselves through words to establish their various views for everyone to see whether their feelings are negative or positive. Graffiti conveys a message or a story through their artwork. It is a means to communicate with each other without the use of words. When most people think of graffiti, they imagine "tags," or a stylized writing of a person 's name. “While tags are probably the most popular forms, graffiti art is much more than that” (Sanchez). Many people do not realize that graffiti is not limited to just a single surface on a two-dimensional plane. Street art can also be three dimensional objects. This could include transforming an everyday object and cleverly changing it into something completely different. Personally, this is one of the most interesting aspects of graffiti because there are no limitations to what it is and what it can be.
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