
Graffiti Is Vandalism

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There’s a lot of controversy today on whether Graffiti is a good thing or not. Graffiti has been seen by many as a destruction of property, but it is a form of expression and an artistic thought that should be allowed, per the First Amendment, as freedom of speech and not as breaking the law. I personally believe that Graffiti should be legal. I don’t believe it harms anyone or anything depending on the location. I believe Graffiti has many issues that every individual looks at differently. I think that Graffiti is looked at as Vandalism because of the location that the artists decide to put them in, and even the image of the actual painting itself. There a many different forms of Graffiti, like Street Art and Subway Art. But most Graffiti problems become a problem because no one listens to the people’s opinions on location and how they feel about it being vandalism. There are many different views on Graffiti being an art or not and I am going to talk about those things today. I strongly believe that people think Graffiti is a crime because of the imagery and placement of the art. I have read about people getting Graffiti mixed with tags. Graffiti is usually an …show more content…

I believe that Graffiti is a way for an individual to express their feelings without anyone having to know exactly what they’re talking about or who did the artwork. I firmly think that Graffiti is such a better way to get through something, rather than consuming drugs or trying to run away from their problems. If there was a certain place set aside in the community for Graffiti artists to do their work, I think a lot of people would benefit from a giant brick wall filled with other people’s art. Graffiti is also an amazing anxiety reliever for people with high anxiety, they may even be able to be less anxious because they have something to look forward to, and they can do it without being afraid of getting in trouble for trying to feel

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