
Graffiti : Vandalism By Many People

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Graffiti has been called vandalism by many people. If cities around the world, converted old abandon buildings and warehouses into places where art can bloom, this would change the world and would/could decrease or even stop illegal public defacement of property. Graffiti may be seen as vandalism, but graffiti has many positive attributes associated with it as well. Having abandoned buildings and warehouses in cities are a major burden and problem. Cities should help me turn abandoned buildings around the world, into a place where art and expression can bloom through graffiti.
Graffiti is a tremendous problem when it is used to deface property. Why do people create graffiti? Gang symbols, are how gangs show territory, just as animals would. City 's that allow gang symbols are supposedly working against the interest of the people and are instead supporting gangs. Some people use graffiti as a way to show their political views. Sometimes the opinions may not always be the nicest though. People use graffiti to express their love for someone or something, but even if it is meant to express good it is seen as a bad thing or illegal most of the time. (Kershaw)
Studies show that sometimes graffiti can have a wave effect. Sometimes heavily, graffitied or vandalized areas experience an increase in crime. Violence and crimes involving gangs have been most commonly linked to graffiti. Public disorder, crime, including littering and loitering, along with property destruction can be

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