
Grafting of the Bone

Decent Essays

Bone grafting is performed to restore bone that has been lost due to injury, trauma, or disease. Injury may cause haematoma and bleeding from adjacent structures to occur. Haematoma is clotting of blood that occur in any specific region such as around the broken bone ends. This event is localized. Two ends involved are proximal and distal bone end which is the medium for osteonal healing (ossification) to occur.
Ossification is the process of bone formation that is usually beginning at particular centers in each prospective bone and involving the activities of species osteoblasts that segregate and deposit inorganic bone substance about themselves (Webster, 2013). To form fracture callus, hyaline cartilage and woven bone has to be formed first. In order this to happen, chondroblasts and osteoblasts will arise from periosteum of each ends respectively.
After that, fracture callus will undergo the process of bone subtitution, followed with endochondral ossification, resulting in production of lamellar bone. Final remodelling of the bone is completed by deposition of compact bone by osteoblasts in resorption pits prepared by the osteoclasts (Gaston and Simpson, 2007). This natural osteonal healing would be done well if and only if these four prerequisites are active.
Firstly, cells with active osteogenic potential. Secondly, medium which has active osteoconductive matrix. Thirdly, medium with an active osteoconductive stimulus. Lastly, a mechanically active and stable

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