
Fracture Healing: A Case Study

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Predict what would happen if during an accident the periosteum and the muscle were removed from a side of a long bone that is broken.

Bone is surrounded by a thin membranous layer of soft tissue called periosteum (Singh, 2017). When the bone breaks it bleeds from torn ends because of the disruption of the supplying blood vessels. And quite naturally the periosteum is also torn. A fracture hematoma forms and white blood cells march in to clean up the area that is injured. The periosteum is the primary source of osteoblasts, which plays a huge role in fracture healing (Singh, 2017). After the hematoma formation, the next step is callous formation with the formation of cartilage and bone and then the remodeling phase consisting of the osteoclasts and the osteoblasts reshaping the bone to its original state (Patton, 2012).

Patton, Kevin T., Thibodeu, Gary A., and Douglas, Matthew M. Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology. (2012). Elsievier: Mosby. Chapter 8 & 9.

Singh, D. A., (2017, November 14). Fracture Healing - How Does It Occur. Retrieved February 02, 2018, …show more content…

The fusion of the spine is permanent and corrects problems of the spine, with the goal being to stop movement of two or more vertebrae. Although the fusion stops the movement which is causing the pain, the fusion can put stress on the surrounding vertebrae and muscle causing muscle pain in some circumstances (Web MD). The recovery time for a spinal fusion is a long time, taking up to 6-12 weeks, compared to other surgeries with recovery times of 4-6 weeks or shorter. With any surgery the risk of infection is there and even though the surgery is to relieve the pain, there will be pain and soreness from the surgery for a couple of weeks. Full recovery from this procedure takes 6 months to a year which is a huge disadvantage (Web MD). Although, the relieve of pain is such an incredible advantage of this

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