
Grandma Care Case

Decent Essays

In each example presented, the patient received actual benefits from being able to not only hear, but to see their loved one. In Case 1, Skype was instrumental in providing emotional support to a patient and his young children while they were separated by distance. Skype allowed the father to stay involved in his children’s lives.
Using Skype in Case 2 allowed a very sick patient to attend a loved one’s wedding. This ability emotionally and spiritually enhanced the life of the patient as well as his family. The ability to connect with family and participate in milestone moments greatly enhances the quality of life. For instance, last year, in a facility I worked at, we used Skype to allow a grandma to attend her only grandson’s wedding. Her son had been planning to take her out of state to attend the wedding, but as the time of the trip grew closer, her condition changed and she was no longer able to travel. It was very important for her grandson to have her at the wedding. Facility staff coordinated with her son and had Skype set up on a facility computer. Staff assisted grandma to virtually attend her grandson’s wedding. The look on her face when the wedding was over was absolutely precious and providing this resource did not cost the facility any extra since …show more content…

The palliative medicine service thought outside the box to provide meaningful interventions for patients at the end of their life. Not only did the use of Skype provide actual benefits to patients, it also allowed for family members to be present and have a semblance of closure through the process. On the part of the hospital, there was very little in the way of additional costs to provide this service and as long as the patient’s family had appropriate devices and internet, they had no cost to access Skype. Hospitals may need to invest in a roving cart or handheld tablets to provide this service, but otherwise, no additional cost to access the

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