
Gravity Solar System

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Gravity impacted the formation of the solar system because without gravity the sun would never had been created and there would be no gravity to form the planets. Gravity impacted the motion of the planets because it holds the planets in their own orbit. This information could help scientists make new discoveries about our solar systems and other solar systems in the galaxy.
Gravity impacts the formation of the solar system because when the solar system was created first what happened was gravity pulled dust and rock together to form the sun, then after that the gravity from the sun helped form the rest of the solar system by grouping some of the leftover rock and dust from the sun and making it into planets this is the big band theroy. The sun was the first planet to form because the more mass an object has the stronger gravity it has (Gravity and Orbits worksheet) so that when it formed it could use its gravity to form …show more content…

Scientist know that planets that are closer to the sun are more rocky and the planets that are farther away are mostly made of gas so they know that the planets closer to the sun are more likely to have life on them (Notes). Knowing the solar nebula theory scientists will have a better understanding of how other solar systems formed so they could compare the gravity of the suns of other solar systems to the gravity of our own. (solar nebula theory notes and Objects in orbit)
In conclusion, gravity impacts the formation of the solar system because gravity is what pulled all of the dirt and dust together to form the sun, and the planets. Gravity impacts the motion of the planets because it is the unbalanced force that keeps the planets in orbit in newtons first law. Finally Scientists can use this knowledge to compare other solar systems to our own and make new discoveries about planets and

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