
Gray-Hat Hacking Essay

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Gray-Hat Hacking


Computer security is a growing concern with the onset of always-on connections in the home and the emerging global network. More and more people become connected everyday. The reliance on computers in our daily lives has increased the need for security and has shifted the ethical line for hackers and hacking.

“A hacker is someone with deep knowledge of and great interest in a system. A hacker is someone who likes to delve into the inner workings of a system to find out how it works.”2 The definition of a hacker has been skewed in recent years by the press to connotate people who break into computer systems. The term has also evolved to represent people who protect computer systems and those that …show more content…

However, hackers may be sheltered from prosecution since their country of residence has no laws on cybercrime. The threat of hackers, whether they are gray-hat or black-hat, has been recognized by many countries. New rules and cooperation from countries are emerging. Sensitive information can now reside in all parts of the world in the new global network. Transportation, communication, safety, and public utility systems are tied to the internet and the need for global hacking laws has become necessity.

Global Hacking laws

Numerous countries throughout the world have initiated laws directed at cybercrime. The US has numerous laws on cybercrimes which are outlined in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. However, in other parts of the world, these types of laws are non-existent. For example, at the time the I Love You virus was released, the Philippines had no laws concerning cybercrimes and Onel De Guzman, who was attributed with creating the virus, was safe from prosecution. The laws in the Philippines have been reformed due to hacking cases. Many other countries have now realized they are vulnerable to potential harm from hackers and have been reforming their laws to address cybercrimes.

One major step in the global campaign against hacking has come from the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrimes held in 2001. The U.S. Department of Justice outlines the treaty as

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